One step at a time…

By Elizabeth (fundraising runner).

Taking part in the York Women Run was a great thing to do. I enjoy running (although not usually 20km!) and so it was a great opportunity to train for something meaningful, raise money for a great, local cause and join a lovely group of women who shared the same values.

We were blessed with good weather, and had support along the way from local families who put out bottles of water and bowls of jelly sweets.

I’m so glad I did it. A group of us sat together at the end of the run, reflecting on our achievement and I realised that we’d done the event on World Mental Health Day! How very appropriate. As I sat chatting, laughing and comparing sore feet, I had a wonderful sense of wellbeing that this group of women had come together to raise money for women who need a helping hand.

None of us know when we might need the support of a charity like York Women’s Counselling Service. I’m glad, and proud, that I did my bit and I would encourage anyone to raise money - however you do it, however much you raise, it’s all needed. And the buzz you get from doing it is blooming amazing!

You can still donate!


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